

474 Uppsatser om Heavy Metal - Sida 1 av 32

En tung historia : En undersökning om metalbandet Sabatons historiebruk.

The purpose of this paper has been to examine the Heavy Metal band Sabatons use of history and to relate it to societal trends in today?s Sweden. I have examined Sabatons music, album covers and music videos in order to define a certain use of history. To do this I have used a use of history theory and a Heavy Metal theory. My results showed that some of Sabatons use of history could be defined as commercial and that the societal trends in today`s Sweden have in some cases affected the selection and presentation of events and characters that`s been portrayed by Sabaton.

Fröåtjärns föroreningshistoria : Utredning av hur metallbelastningen varierat över tid med hjälp av sediment som ett naturligt historiearkiv

The metal mining history goes thousands of years back. The downside of the mining industry is the large amount of tailings created during the mining operations. Drainage and leaching of Heavy Metals from these tailings may cause major environmental problems including acid mine drainage and leaching of Heavy Metals. This study examines a pond located near an old mining site, where part of the old mining facility has been recently (1990) restored. The objective was to assess eventual metal contamination from historical mining and the recently performed restoration using a sediment core as a natural archive of historical metal inputs to the pond.

Jesus - världens första rocker?: En jämförande studie mellan kristen och sekulär metal

Kristen metal? Kan man verkligen kalla något kristen metal?Heavy Metal är ju en rebellisk reaktion mot en samhällsstruktur av människor som inte känner sig hemma där. Och kristendomen är ju en religiös rörelse som står för ordning, reda, renhet och kärlek.Eller?Syftet med denna studie är har varit att studera likheter och skillnader i låtstruktur, dynamik och klangfärg mellan kristna och sekulära metalband och se om de används på samma sätt i förhållande till texten.Jag har gjort en komparativ analys av låtar av kristna och sekulära metalband och tittat på möjliga likheter och skillnader. Detta innefattar även en konstnärlig del där jag, i relation till det analyserade materialet, skrivit två låtar själv och dokumenterat dessa i klingande form.Som material till denna studie har jag använt mig av vetenskapliga artiklar, låtmaterial samt intervjuat pastor Bob Beeman från Nashville, som är en av pionjärerna bakom kristen metal..

Askåterföring i Jämtland : biobränslets och askans innehåll av tungmetaller relaterat till markernas geokemi

Using biofuels from regeneration cuttings is becoming more common in Sweden. Ash from the combustion of biofuels contains many valuable nutrients and base cations. The Swedish Forest Agency recommends that ash should be recycled to clearings where biofuels have been removed, to avoid future impoverishment of Swedish woodlands. In Jämtland, in northern Sweden, a large quantity of biofuels are taken out from cuttings but ash recycling has not yet been tried. The aim of this thesis was to examine the conditions for ash recycling in Jämtland regarding to soil chemistry and Heavy Metal content in soil and biofuels.

Retention av tungmetaller i en anlagd våtmark : studier av Vattenparken i Enköpings kommun

The aim of this study was to examine the amounts of Heavy Metals in the sediment of a wetland constructed for stormwater treatment. The wetland is called Vattenparken and is located in the city of Enköping. The Heavy Metals which were analysed were Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cu, Cr and Hg. The total metal concentrations were determined using HNO3 chemical extraction. From 8 sampling sites 5 sediment cores were taken.

Kiselalgernas missbildningar under toxiska förhållanden

A research of 14 toxic affected study sites in Sweden showed a significant increased proportion of deformed diatoms. The six metal polluted study sites in the region of Dalarna showed a 4, 2% average of deformed Fragilaria (deformed diatoms reference sites, 0, 1%). The results also indicate a significant increased proportions of deformed diatoms in the eight pesticide polluted sites in the south and middle of Sweden, compared to the reference sites, howsoever the toxic content was low. The results indicate that there are no lager differences in neither teratological forms nor variations that segregate metal polluted and pesticide polluted shells. One of the reasons may be that both Heavy Metals and pesticides can affect the development of the diatom shell..

I det glimrande mörkrets djup : om religiöst gränsöverskridande, identitetssökande och meningsskapande i svensk extrem metal-lyrik

This study is an attempt to investigate religious perceptions and its development, function and connection to religious practise within the Swedish extreme metal scene. This is performed mainly by a qualitative method of investigation, studying lyrical content published on a number of extreme metal albums, thereafter relating the lyrical progression to the progession of the scene as a whole and also to the development of individual religious belief and practise.The lyrically expressed manifestations of religiosity within the extreme metal scene prove to be related to religious practise in some cases, most visibly in the Christian parts of the scene.The study also indicates that development of religious expression often is evident regardless of religious preference. This development also regularly relates to an increase in musical evolution and prowess often achieved with increased age and maturity.Musically and lyrically, the extreme metal scene displays transgressive attributes which assist both individual and group in the process of creating identity, meaning and individuality.Experiencing extreme metal, in concert or in the privacy of one´s own home, can be one way of perceiving spirituality in this modern age..

Tungmetallers påverkan på bottenfaunans artsammansättning i sjön Tisken

The purpose of this study was to investigate how elevated levels of Heavy Metals affect the faunal species composition, abundance and species-diversity. The bentic macroinvertebrate fauna in the highly polluted lake Tisken was compared with the bentic macroinvertebrate fauna in the unpolluted lake Varpan. Mine wastes account for most of the metal that is discharged into Tisken. The hypotheses was that the Heavy Metal pollutions in lake Tisken influenced the species composition, abundance and diversity of the macroinvertebrates. Twenty samples were taken in both sites.

Recipientundersökning av Ensjön : Bedömning av sulfidmalmgruvan Enåsens eventuella påverkan på sjöns vattenkvalitet

Ensåsengruvan is a mine situated within Ljusdals municipality in central Sweden. Themine was in use from 1984 to 1991 and has since been undergoing a remediation program. Mine tailings from sulfide rich ore is a potential environmental hazard due to its tendency to cause acid waters and Heavy Metal leakage. Lake Ensjön is situated one kilometer from the mine area. Due to the hydrological conditions it was not expected to receive inflowing water from the mining area.

Känsla för metal : Att gestalta känslor med hjälp av symphonic metal

Syftet med det här arbetet var att gestalta fem olika känslor inom genren symphonic metal. Därigenom ville jag avgöra vilka verktyg jag kunde ha nytta av i framtiden för att gestalta känslor musikaliskt och vilka skillnader som finns mellan att gestalta olika känslor. För att göra detta använde jag mig av referenslyssning av tio låtar plus några orkestrala stycken per känsla. Resultatet av lyssningen, tillsammans med olika låtskrivningstekniker, litteratur, Kirnbergers intervallkaraktäristik och Matthesons tonartskaraktäristik, användes till att skriva och arrangera mina fem låtar. Resultatet blev att jag hade lyckats skildra känslorna bra med den metod jag hade använt, men att intervallkaraktäristiken och tonartskaraktäristiken var onödiga; det skulle räcka med mina kunskaper som jag hade förvärvat under utbildningen, referenslyssning och min känsla som låtskrivare. Jag kunde inte heller urskilja några skillnader mellan att gestalta de olika känslorna; metoden var universellt tillämplig..

Svart - svartare - svartast : En etnologisk studie om döden, identitet och gemenskap inom black metal-kulturen

PURPOSE: To find out how identity creating and community utter within the Black Metal culture, to get an insight of why people are drawn to Black Metal, and what function it fills to the adherents/practicians.METHOD: Analyses of interviews done by the authors. In addition to them literature, mainly in book form, is used for theories.RESULT: We have seen that there are shared Black Metal values, despite a strong individualism within the culture. And death is important for the survival of the culture and the individuals..

Heavy metal rostar aldrig: om riffets roll inom hårdrocken

Detta examensarbete gjorde jag för att försöka ta reda på vad ett riff kan vara, och vilken roll riffet har inom hårdrocksmusiken..

Att definiera och skilja på snarlika subgenrer : Tillämpat på death- och black metal

Det a?r sva?rt att sa?tta ord pa? vad man menar na?r man pratar om musik. Jag a?r intresserad av varfo?r det sa?llan ga?r att finna definitioner av genrer na?r diskussionen om dem a?r sa? stark, speciellt na?r det ga?ller snarlika genrer som troligtvis a?r uppdelade av en eller flera anledningar. Syftet med min underso?kning a?r att utveckla vidare kunskap om vilken betydelse det har att skilja pa? tva? snarlika subgenrer inom samma metagenre.

Mineraliska material som reaktiva filter för avskiljning av tungmetaller från dagvatten

Highly polluted urban storm water from e.g. highways can contain large amounts of Heavy Metals that may cause harm if they are discharged into recipients. To remove the Heavy Metals a possible low-cost method that does not require much maintenance, could be the use of reactive filters with filter materials consisting of industrial residues or other cheap mineral based materials. Dissolved metal ions are removed by reactive filters through the processes of ions binding to active sites on the surface of the filter materials, or by formation of insoluble precipitates.The ability of CaO-treated granulated blast-furnace slag, iron oxide coated sand, olivine and nepheline to remove seven Heavy Metals (Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb and Hg) from urban storm water was studied. Initially batch experiments were performed where the effect of pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved ions on the adsorption efficiency was studied.

Geokemisk undersökning vid Rävlidmyrgruvan, Västerbottens län : provtagning, analys och förslag till åtgärder

The mining industry, in terms of ore excavation and metal production, is and has been important to the Swedish economy. In connection with the ore excavation process, large amounts of partly sulphidic waste are produced. When the metal sulphides are exposed to air and water they are eventually oxidised, which leads to the formation of acidic water with high concentrations of metal cations and sulphate ions, so called Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). This water may reach the nearest surroundings and cause negative environmental effects. By covering the waste with soil or water, the oxidation process can be minimised. At the Rävlidmyran mine in the county of Västerbotten open pit mining took place between 1951 and 1991.

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